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Fundació privada ADA Món Adivasi



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Agarbati and soap training in Tala

Making Agarbatti and Soap is one of the alternative means of livelihood. Six women
from SHGs were taken to Mumbai for one day training. After the training these women
have become the trainers who are training in the villages. Agarbatti and soaps are used
daily in each families. The philosophy behind is that they make agarbatti and soaps at
home and their money does not go out from their community. This will help them to
have small savings.
Making Agarbatti and Soap is one of the alternative means of livelihood. Six women
from SHGs were taken to Mumbai for one day training. After the training these women
have become the trainers who are training in the villages. Agarbatti and soaps are used
daily in each families. The philosophy behind is that they make agarbatti and soaps at
home and their money does not go out from their community. This will help them to
have small savings.

Making Agarbatti (incence stick) and Soap is one of the alternative means of livelihood. Six women from SHGs were taken to Mumbai for one day training.    After the training these women have become the trainers who are training in the villages. Agarbatti and soaps are used daily in each families.  The philosophy behind is that they make agarbatti and soaps at home and their money does not go out from their community.  This will help them to have small savings.    


from SHGs were taken to Mumbai for one day training. After the training these women
have become the trainers who are training in the villages. Agarbatti and soaps are used
daily in each families. The philosophy behind is that they make agarbatti and soaps at
home and their money does not go out from their community. This will help them to
have small savings.