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Fundació privada ADA Món Adivasi



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Fede's family and friends

Fr. Sopeña

From the Fundation ADA we call upon you once again, this time it is not to let you know about a new project in India, or to announce a new activity or a concert to promote the Fundation activities. This time the call is to ask for your support to one of the biggest and personal dreams of our beloved Fede: to be able to enjoy, in the last years of his life, his Indian citizenship. It has always been one of his personal aspirations, always unfairly dismissed, what a terrible injustice! Because of it he was forced to leave the country periodically and then re-apply for the visa, being treated as a tourist or as a foreigner, always under the threat of promoting being denied, every time. There is no doubt about it, for a sector of the population, Fede was a persona non-grata but it is not so for the poor, and humble Adivasis and Dalits. Some time ago he gave up but now, encouraged by a lot of his friends in India who respect him he is going to try it again. And from India they are asking us for our support through the government of this country. We asked Fede and this is his what he has to say: “Yes it is true, my citizenship application is in the boiling pot…I don’t know what to say. I am almost 90 years of age, is it worth it to take another step? My emotions say YES, my sense of justice also says YES. When I was 65 years old in India I used to say: Come on, give me the citizenship, do not pretend you have the “biggest Democracy in the world”. At the end I am very happy that the Sopeñas and friends form over there, are going to petition the Indian embassy to allow me to die in peace in my adoptive land as an Indian citizen. Thank you for all your interest, for talking about it and to make the effort to take paper and pencil and write a letter to the Indian ambassador…big hug. Fede” And that is exactly what we are going to do: we will ask the Embassy and Consulate to grant support to this so well deserved aspiration. We will attach a biography of his work among the poorest of the poor, of his worker mentality, promoting the dialog regarding his personal integration into India’s society and not so much to religious conversions that have never been his goal. This is why we ask all family and friends of Fede’s and all the Foundation friends to give us your support. We need you to spread this to anyone interested in it and sign up for a support group we have formed. You can send us your support with your personal information (name, last name, ID number, email address) to this address contacta@adivasis.org Now we will take advantage of the new technologies at our disposal to accomplish a personal goal that, without a doubt, he has earned fighting for the welfare of others for the past 65 years.