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Fundació privada ADA Món Adivasi



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Jeevanalaya, The Bethany Society

Project Leader: Sister Brigitha

Brief description of our philosophy, origins and organization:
Jeevanalaya es is an organization founded 14 years ago and since that it has been working with adivasis in 20 villages in the area (5,000 people), offering assistance to tribes like Takur and Kathkari. These villages are located between 12 and 20 km from its center, Kolkhe. Kolkhe is located 3 km from Panvel, the nearest main town and about 50 km south-east of Mumbai.

The objectives of their work are:
* Educate the weakest of society.
* Get a comprehensive development of marginalized groups through education, health and empowerment
* Promote the specific culture of the tribal community.

* Cure comprehensive child development
* Basic and non-formal adult (Kathkaris training of leaders, youth groups, vocational training)
* Economic Empowerment (SHG women, youth and children, income generation programs, support for access to state subsidies ..)
* Training of youth policy
* The right to land ownership (official forms at the individual level or at community land)
* Intervention in migration and ration cards
* Intervention in natural disasters
* Direct Aid to Families
* Health Promotion
* Coordination with other NGOs


Link: Map of Kolkhe