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Jeevan Vidya Society

Near Mhada Colony, Korit Road, Nandurbar 425 412, Maharashtra, India
Responsable of the project : Ms. Margaret D'Britto

Brief description about their filosophy, origins and description:
Jeevan Vidya is an organización legally resgistered organization in the Public Registry of Foundations in Bombay (E-21442).

Since their beginnings in 1996 their main objective has been the powering of the tribal women and the development of their capacity of leadership through health and education programs and self-help and savings groups.

Main subject :
1. Education-Bording school for girls.
2. Self help and savings groups.
3. Natural medicine programmes.
4. Participation on the local goverment.

Their activities are mainly educational, medical and development and they are offer to all sectors of the society, in any caste or religion.

During the last 8 years, Jeevan Vidya Society has develop different activities as the formation of cooperatives for women, promotion and divulgation of natural medicine techniques and other programs for women and children.


Link: Map of Nandurbar