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Fundació privada ADA Món Adivasi



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Fr. Godfrey and the teachers
Janseva Mandal

Korit Road, Nandurbar 425 412, Maharashtra, India
Project coordinator: Fr. Godfrey D'Lima, S.J.

Brief description of its philosophy, origins and organization:
Janseva Mandal has been a legally registered organization in the Public Register of Foundations since its constitution in 1965.

Its aim is the total development of the adivasi communities emphasising education, vocational training, sustainable farming, microcredits and the participation in government institutions.

Working scope:
* To enable adivasi children gain access to Primary Education.
* To design and produce learning material for teachers and students.
* To establish a resource centre for Primary Education for the adivasi.
* To develop productive learning material to train the adivasi in farming.
* To use the educational programme as a starting point for further development of the adivasi.

Video de presentació

Localització a Google Maps

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Link: Map of Nandurbar