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Jankalyan Trust

PO BOX num.7 Mahad, Raigad District Maharastra, India
Responsibility for the Kolad project : Fr. Carlton Kinny

Brief description of its philosophy, origins and organization :
First established in January 1996. Support of oppressed and marginal people, such as the Kathkaris. It works to create an awareness of their present situation and to free them from illiteracy, poverty and disease
1.- Make the Kathakaris aware of their rights and dignity.
2.- Raise awareness and carry out activities related to education, environmental degradation, and the economic and integral development of the Kathkaris of the region.
3.- Organize and mobilize the Kathkaris, especially the women and young people, so that they conquer their rights and fight against injustice, exploitation and oppression.
4.- Educate the children to give way to a new literate generation.

Aims of the organization:
* Education (Ashram or boarding school, Bawaldis or nurseries, and supplementary classes)
* The advancement of women through Self-Help groups (SHG)
* Awareness-raising programmes (rights, governmental programmes, ration cards, caste certificates, etc.)
* Health (health education, health workers training, medical camps, etc.)
* Vocational training for the young (builders, carpenters, etc.)


Link: Map of Mahad