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Fundació privada ADA Món Adivasi



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Good Shepherd convent

Prerna Gundge Road, Karjat P.O. Raigad District, Maharashtra State. India. Pin 410201
Project coordinator: Sister Helen De Souza

Brief description of its philosophy, origins and organization:
The Good Shepherd Convent was opened in April 1967 to contribute to the total development of 18 kathkari villages. It is legally registered as a Registered Public Organization (according to The Societies Registration Act 1860).

Aims of the organization:
* Total development of 18 kathkari villages in Karjat and Khalapur Taluka
* To generate self-esteem, motivate and stimulate the whole population
* To provide formal education for kathkari girls
* To set up a programme to generate income and training for the self-help groups

Work scope:
As mentioned, the organization works in two areas in Raigad Karjat and Khalapur Taluka and carries out the following activities:
1. Training of 15 self-help groups.
2. 50 adivasi girls receive formal education and accommodation.
3. Actions for women to become aware of the relevance of income generating programmes
4. Training for women in different kinds of business: production of dishes with appropriate leaves and of candles
5. About 150 women will receive goats to breed .
6. Women will be helped so that they can improve their economic situation by producing bricks.


Link: Map of Karjat