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Fundació privada ADA Món Adivasi



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Past Projects

Nagar Haveli
Formation for women and boarding

NGOs: Pilar Sisters Association, Our Lady of Rosary Mission, Sheltie
Responsible: Jackline Fernandes
Location: Dadra Nagar Haveli, Maharashtra and Gujarat from
Duration: 3 years (2009-2011)
Beneficiaries: 50 women and 65 girls
Amount: 5480E anuals (> 95% total)

Project Objective: Maintenance of a boarding and training of women to be representatives of the community, promote their rights and to generate resources for subsistence.

Description: This project has two parts:
1. Boarding. Children pay monthly 100rupias, this is insufficient to cover the cost of boarding. This year the internship has been separated by gender, as it is usual that girls are treated as second and does not encourage or education, or nutrition or health.
2. Vocational training for women over 12 sessions. The budget includes travel and subsistence expenses of trainers, materials, facilitators and holding a women's day. In this case the participants also have to pay 5rupias / month.

NGOs: Pilar Sisters Association is an NGO founded in 1988 whose prinicpal goal is education and empowerment of the poor and marginalized. They work directly with rural tribal population.