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Fundació privada ADA Món Adivasi



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Past Projects

Women empowerment with Self Help Groups

NGO responsible: Serva Vikas Deep Trust
Responsible: Fr Thomas Sequeira
Location: rural villages in Mangaon, Raigad district
Duration: 1 year (2009). Extendable to 3 years
Beneficiaries: 1,176 families kathkari
Amount: 8.020E (85% total)

Project target: to improve the living conditions of people in Mangaon Katkhari through women's SHGs (self-help groups) and other mechanisms.

Description of main activities:
* Creating 40SHG (SHG), which conducts training workshops in finance, banking, credit, administration, etc. ..
* Auto-generation of resources: floral garment, making baskets, canned food, gardening, candle making
* Classes tailoring for 60 women
* Organization of assemblies of women.

NGOs: Vikas Deep Serva Trust was formed in July 2006 but the majority of its members have been working in partnership with other NGOs over 10th Mangaon.

Link: Map of Mangaon