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Integral development of tribal children: social, intellectual, physicist...

NGO in charge: Matru Schaya Social Welfare Society (MSSWS)
Person in charge: Mr. Alice Andrew
Duration: 3 years (2008-2010)
Amount: 7.500E per year.

Matru Schaya Social Welfare Society (MSSWS) is a religious organization legally founded in 1975. It works with different tribal groups in six different sites in three districts of Maharashtra: Amravati, Akola and Thane.

Premanjali is one of MSSWS units, located in the town of Shilonda. This unit began its task in 1999 and at the moment is working with a tribal population of 76 villages in 10 different municipalities of the regions of Dahanu and Jowar. In a radius of 40 kilomiters, supplies a population of near 15.000 people through diverse programes of social development and sanitary services

The Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod have directed the bording school for 8 years.
We propose the maintenance of a bording school for a 75 boys and girls of ages between 6 and 10 years from 7 different towns. The good running of the boading school will alow the parents trust as the same time that an alphabetized generation will be born.

The younger children attend a goverment school near the boarding school. They get a nutritious feeding and mediacal aid and medicación when they need it. Also, leisure activities are organize and have an extensive site that will be rearrange to make some more lodging. The infants take part in all the activities that the center have offer.

The specific objetives of the project are:
- To instill to the boys and girs the interest for the studies
- To facilitate the basic needs so that they grow like integreted people in the present society
- To improve the health of the tribal boys and girls through preventive and curative measures