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Past Projects

Jeevan Vidya Society
Nandurbar 2
Professional formation for teenage girls and Program of Legal Education for women

NGO in charge: Jeevan Vidya Society, Nandurbar
Person in charge: Ms Margaret D ' Britto
Duration: 3 years (2008-2010)
Budget: 5.300E per year

Jeevan Vidya is a reeligious organization legally founded in 1996 that works in the area of Nadurbar. Nandurbar is located in the northest of Maharashtra limiting with the states of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat at 375 km of Mumbai.

The situation of the population in the tribal areas is particularly disquieting, especially the estatus of the tribal woman. Women have an important roll to play in the development of their communities and therefore it is crucial to make them realize that.

The main objective of this organization is to give more power to the tribal women and to develop their capacity of leadership through health and education programs and groups of self-help and savings.

The main objects of the project are:
1. To train teenagers to preper them for life and make them responsable.
2. To emphasize teenagers through a professional formation and resourses for their lives.
3.To emphasize women through education about their rights and other legal subjects.

The project consists in two different programs. The first program is Professional Formation for teenagers during three month per year (30 beneficiaries in total) where they will learn about education in family live, healh and hygiene, legal education and sewing skills.

The second program is the formation of the women in human rights (rights to the information, rationing cards and plans of work reintegration), participation on the local goverment and local self-goverment. This program will have 30 beneficiaries through 6 annual sessions.


Link: Map of Nandurbar