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Women right fight

NGO: Ankur trust
Responsible: Vaishali Patil
Cost: 3.800€
Duration: april'15-september'15
Description: In this Project iwe will docemnt and publish tories on Kathkari women leader of Raigad district. Tis is going to be the very pioneer and basic work on this tribe as very Little has been written or researched till now on them.
We will interview: a) Kathkari women leader of local sef government institution who fought against patriarchy structure and enter politics with confidence b) leader who fought for her housing rights and got first land tile in the state on the name of women c) women who organized and mobilized Self Help Groups to get rid of their bonded laborers conditions. d)Women who fought against all aodds of socials norms and stringent traditions.

This is going to be the first write up of its own not onli in Marathi but in English too, These all interviews will be finally written by famous writers snd will be published in the form of a book of 70-80 pages along with women's potos too.


Link: Map of Penn