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Fundació privada ADA Món Adivasi



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Bonga Shalas

Responsible NGO: Janhit Vikas Trust
Responsible: Fr.Brian D' Silva
Location: between Tara and Apta, in the region of Panvel, Raigad’s district
Duration: about 3 years (2012-2015)
Beneficiaries: 300 adivasis
ADA’s assistance: 4.000E (global budget are 4.276€)
Objective: Major scheduled tribe of the region are the kathkaris, kolis and thakurs. Among them, the kathkaris are the most marginalized and, among other things, they lack of any cultivable land. Usually they work in seasonal jobs, and have to migrate to the valleys and factories during the months between December and May.
Project description: This project will create 10 Bonga Shalas, mobile schools for the temporary workers’ children. These projects have shown positive signs of success before, by reducing school’s withdrawals. Other objectives of this project are: a) Avoid children dropping off school. b)Teach culture and tribal traditions in the academic curriculum, this allows the integration of children in school and in the community when they return to their villages.

Link: Map of Tara