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Fundació privada ADA Món Adivasi



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Natural medicine

Address: Village Tara, P. O. Barapada. Tal. Panvel, District Raigad.
Responsible: Fr.Diago D'Souza, s.j. and Brian D'Silva
Location: Tara.
Cost: 3660 Euros / any for three years (2009-2011)

Objectives: In India there is a long tradition of natural medicine and also the ancestors of the adivasis had a huge knowledge of the properties of plants and fruits,adcquired by oral transmission. The adivasis can not afford the cost of allopathic medicines, so that by the recovery of traditional knowledge can garrison most of their ailments.
* Spread awareness and use of medicinal plants
* Select and train 18 people from each of the villages, which will be health workers.
* Build an herbalist at Tara for the distribution of plants across villages
* Retrieve the tradition and knowledge of natural medicine
* Supervise the work of health workers in each village through monthly meetings
* Cultivation of medicinal gardening in every village, with 15 disxtintas medicinal spices.
* Generation of funds through the sale of excess medicinal plants of each town.